Audit Your Thoughts


A sure way to quick and inevitable failure is when you believe you are going to fail.

A major transformational change happened in our business (and personal lives) when we started our days by tuning into our thoughts - where our energy was being shifted, and how we were feeling that day. In the last post, we talked about auditing your life. Well, equally important, is to audit your thoughts and to run your business and your life with a healthy mindset.

Your input impacts your output.

So what are you feeding your subconscious every day? How do you speak to yourself? How do you think about yourself? I’m not kidding, if you want the “quickest fix” to success possible - start with the power of positive thinking. When we first started Young Plant, we were chatting with a LOT of photographers and videographers. We are a part of several Facebook groups and we work with so many different creatives - you want to hear some of the most common things we hear about in the industry? Negativity.

“OMG it’s such a saturated market here.”

“I can’t raise my prices yet because I don’t feel like my work is good enough.”

“I had to take a social media break because I was comparing myself to others.”

“I can’t seem to find my ideal couple.”

“I don’t have enough followers to gain any real traction.”

“My inquiries have slowed down, I must be doing something wrong!”

When we first started on this journey, we heard all of the above and plenty more. We literally sat at a dinner table with other industry creatives and we listened to them tell us how saturated the market was and how it was a cutthroat industry. I caught myself starting to believe in some of these things... even though I had not yet personally experienced any of that. I was letting other people tell me how MY reality was going to be. Let’s get very clear here…

You CHOOSE the lens through which you see the world.

Trust me, I understand that we are conditioned, our subconscious mind leads us astray, but you can change that lens. Every single day, you can choose to see your business as a thriving, changing, organic, extension of yourself. It is fucking powerful! Once you own the fact that you are the center of your universe, you make the choices, you choose your feelings, you can react or you can respond - once you sit in that power - incredible things can start to happen for you.

So here’s some homework. Start your day with some positive self-talk. Pep yourself up! Own your individual-badass-ery and don’t let anyone influence the way you experience the world. You are creative. You are a powerful business owner. You are kind, smart, and a pleasure to be around. You know your worth! You are calm when things get crazy. You make thoughtful decisions. If you’re wrong, you make things right. You don’t take advantage of people and you don’t let people take advantage of you. These are literally some of the things I say to myself in the morning. Think positively about yourself and then remind yourself daily.

Now go out and conquer your day with your lil’ badass self.


The 80/20 Rule


Audit Your Life